Friday, May 30, 2014

Green roofs

Piece today on France3 at noon in France on toits verts in Paris. How many do we have set for Obey Creek?

Friday, May 16, 2014

Innovative mayors

With all of these mayors coming to Chapel Hill, including a tour of Obey Creek, I wonder what the rest of us might tell them about Chapel Hill Town innovation? Bringing the highest priced movie tickets perhaps in NC to Chapel Hill? Raising the property taxes to the highest or one o the highest in NC?

Monday, May 12, 2014

Sidewalk/trail use survey?

I wonder if the Town ever studies how much pedestrian traffic there is on sidewalks, trails, etc. The sidewalk/trail in front of East54 for example, or the sidewalk along 15-501 in front of Southern Village?

Southern Village Pharmacy

How do we get a better feel for how this pharmacy is doing?

Letter of intent?

If Target is still the elephant in the Obey Creek room, then shouldn't we insist on a letter of intent from them with respect to the property? If such a letter does not emerge, what is the basis on which we are expecting to them to come? If not Target, who? And if another store, then how about a letter? Surely, the letter can be written with caveats such that the store would lose nothing if the plans fall through, but I sure would like to hear them say that they want to do this as of now.

Welcome to Costco Wholesale

I wonder if there would be any more traffic at Obey Creek with a COSTCO than with what is currently "on the table"? Would COSTCO insist on a gas station as part of the package?

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Ephesus-Fordham: We Can Do Better -

Potentially very telling commentary. Perhaps we should all be looking to contact those mayors who plan to visit Chapel Hill this summer, if indeed they are coming.

Land Use law

Here is the source for last post.

Neighborhood Commercial

2020 Comprehensive Plan

I see nothing here that provides a reason or rationale for changing current zoning on the Obey Creek land.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Opinion: Stand and Deliver - Chapel Hill Magazine

There is much to be learned from what she says here. I still don't have a very good feel for what projects already approved by the Council - and built and functioning - have done for the Town. For example, where is the comparison of the value added - in every respect, including value subtracted - from Timberlyne shopping center, from 140 West Franklin, from the "green" building that went bankrupt, from East54, from Meadowmont, from Southern Village, etc?

One NYC Indie Bookstore Survives By Being Small And Specialized : NPR


Thursday, May 1, 2014

Google Maps

This is the first time I've seen Obie Creek on a map. Not sure about the spelling.....