Friday, September 13, 2013


You'd think this group believes it really is designing a development:
"Good Morning,

As a reminder, the Obey Creek Compass Committee will be holding a Public Forum on Wednesday, September 18th from 7:00-9:00pm in the cafeteria at Mary Scroggs Elementary (501 Kildaire Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27516). Please join us to hear an overview of the Committee’s work so far and to share your thoughts with the Committee and development team!

Please also mark your calendars for the evenings of October 7th (6:00-9:00pm) and October 9th (6:00-8:00pm), when we will be holding a Public Design Workshop for Obey Creek. Details on these events will be forthcoming.

Have a great weekend,

Jason Damweber
On behalf of the Development Agreement Project Team"