Thursday, May 30, 2013

How A Trip To Costco Can Work As An Investment Strategy : NPR

How do we make sure we have considered the value of having a Costco at Obey Creek? It may not make sense for many reasons, but how to urge the developer to consider this option?

Council action....

Public Engagement for Obey Creek: The Council considered a joint developer-community proposal for a committee structure for the exploratory phase of the Obey Creek development agreement. The Council then established the Obey Creek Compass Committee, which is scheduled to be appointed on June 24. The application process will open on Friday and continue through June 10. The 17-member committee will review information, participate in events, and serve as a conduit to the community to provide information and foster participation. At the end of the process, the committee will provide a report to the Council. Information about the application process will be provided soon through a link at

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Lobbying for the Greater Good -

Relating to the "community"

As the Chapel Hill Town Council moves into the mode of developer for Obey Creek, I think it needs to step back and assess the entire "community" defined by a circle with a radius of 2 miles out from Obey Creek. For example, I think a hard look at the successes and failures (like underutilization of facilities) of the Southern Community Park needs to be high on the list. Southern Village itself needs to be there, including the proposed hotel. These things should not evolve as seeming islands but rather as rough areas within a larger whole. I don't think any discussion of Obey Creek ought to happen without that circled area in front of us all the time.

Southern Village HOA | Berkeley Property Management

You would think there would be a mention of Obey Creek here, no?

Monday, May 27, 2013

8 483 votants pour la votation citoyenne organisée par l'opposition municipale au sujet du tramway niçois - France 3 Côte d’Azur

I wonder what would happen if the Obey Creek developer proposal v. current restrictions were put to a choose-one-or-the-other vote. How many people would participate?

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Searching for Obey Creek stories

In the Chapel Hill News, search here. | Residents hit the ground on Obey Creek | Bassett: Growth could ease tax burden

"The greatest demand for growth is in south Chapel Hill, in part, because of Governors Club, north Chatham County and the new Wal-Mart, he said." | Areas where Chapel Hill could grow

A Country of Cities: A Manifesto for an Urban America: SHoP Architects, Vishaan Chakrabarti, Norman Foster: 9781935202172: Books

I bet there is something - probably a lot of things - to be learned here that would be relevant for Obey Creek. What really is the ideal use for that property?

AIA NC Honor Award- Triangle Brick Headquarters.m4v - YouTube

Shouldn't we be looking to Obey Creek to be an award-winning project - both for the environment and and for design? Don't we want to avoid another "island" project, one that simply gets plopped into its land without careful integration into the surrounding area?

The Death and Life of Great American Cities - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What would Jane JACOBS say about Obey Creek? What advice could we imagine her giving us?

Gateway Arch 'Biography' Reveals Complex History Of An American Icon : NPR

Will Obey Creek produce a Chapel Hill icon? A good one? How?

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Neighbors See Obey Creek Property Up Close -

Ligne 2 du tramway à Nice: l'opposition organise une votation citoyenne ce samedi - France 3 Côte d’Azur

Note the "for or against" option in the flyer.

Nice : déjà plus de 3 000 participants revendiqués à la votation sur le tram' | Nice-Matin

I wonder how the Obey Creek matter could be put to some sort of popular vote. It could be as simple as asking  registered Chapel Hill voters - perhaps restricted and enlarged to include the area within a two mile radius of the site - whether they think there should be a change in well-explained present rules for the land or whether a clear statement of what the developer wants should be allowed. Why shouldn't there be some sort of referendum to allow people most affected to voice their opinions, non-binding for the Town Council, but highly relevant? If this could not be done for a variety of reasons, could it be done online privately but with significant, verifiable methodology? In the linked case, this latter - more or less - is the way Nice is tackling the question of how an extension of the city's tram system should be routed.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Online Shopping on the Rise Now That Handheld Devices Take Over | Adweek

You have to wonder whether any discussion of retail development at Obey Creek is simply smoke and mirrors resulting in only that standing there after a while?